Well, dear reader, here are the tenets by which I will be guided as I write and share my thoughts and ideas with you:
- You deserve a fresh perspective. I don't live in Washington, DC and have never worked there. I don't live in a large city, although I have worked in some before (namely, Boston, Pittsburgh, Atlanta, and Los Angeles). I'm definitely not part of 'the establishment', however you define it. The perspective I bring is as an entrepreneur, as someone who derives his paycheck by living close to the land, and who does it in the unlikely venue of California. Yes, I'm a farmer who lives in the San Joaquin Valley of California--the same California that's the home of Berkeley, San Francisco, Hollywood, and Orange County. More on that later...
- I'll write with a fresh variety of topics. Since it's my blog, I have the freedom to write about just about anything that comes to mind. That's fantastic! It means I'm not locked in to a specific narrow set of subjects, and so I won't be. Here you will find a liberal sprinkling of thoughts on the farming business and how farmers can carve out a living in the 21st century; travel tips for those of you who may be so inclined to visit our beautiful, diverse, and financially-mismanaged state; a farmer's perspective on the politics of the day--both here in California and in the nation's capital (and perhaps elsewhere as well); and who knows what else? I might even throw in a favorite recipe from time to time, or an essay on hiking in the Sierras, or even some tips on the art of being a gentleman.
- I'll do my best not to be boring. That is, I'll write with you--the reader--in mind. But if I get off-track, if I start to get too self-absorbed, if my prose doesn't match my lofty objectives as imparted in this post, I trust that you will let me know. I'll try not to take criticism personally, but will be keenly interested in how you think this effort is going. The key, I think, to avoiding boredom on your part is for me to be fresh, relevant, and insightful.
- I will post three times a week. I won't lock myself in to specific days of the week, at least at this point. But I will make sure that I offer new material each time.
- I'll offer attribution whenever it's called for, and will appreciate the same from fellow bloggers who may find something here useful for their own readers.

That's it. Those are my rules.
I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I'll enjoy being your tour guide. It will be an adventure for us both. I promise.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, please climb aboard this riverboat I've named "The Generous Harvest". We'll ride wherever the river flows. Feel free to ask questions along the way...
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